Over a language L, a universal formula is an L-formula ϕ of the form
Where ψ is a quantifier-free formula of n variables
Fix a language L, and take L-structures M⊆N.
Then for any universal formula ϕ=ϕ(v) and tuple m∈M<ω,
N⊨ϕ(m) then
Proof. If ϕ is universal then it’s of the form ϕ=∀x∣ψ(x) for some qf ψ. So if N satisfies ϕ then we know for all n∈N<ω that N⊨ψ(n). Since M is a substructure of N, its domain is a subset of N‘s, and so for every m∈M<ω we have that N⊨ψ(m). Since ψ is qf, then by properties of substructures we know also that M⊨ψ(m). Done.