[:January 1st, 2022:] • Rough today. Struggling with some negative emotions around Olivia. • Regardless, I want to continue my thread from December 30th, 2021 and try to draft a version one of a practice for myself. Here goes: • Relax: Sit comfortably and breathe deeply. Attend to parts of your body one-by-one and allow them to relax. • Explore: Turn your attention to your emotions. Discover how you are feeling and how you have been feeling recently. Observe without judging; do not try to fix. • Seclude: Identify any attachments, and recognize the thing you are attached to as temporary. Reconnect with yourself as wholly independent of all things. • Disidentify: Pass again over your physical and emotional state, and disidentify from each element individually. Recognize yourself as beyond your human experience. Nothing that hurts your avatar can hurt you, because you are not your avatar. Take off the VR headset. • Play: Given this disidentification, realize your agency to play. You are free in the world and full of agency. You can do whatever you want. Identify patterns of thought regarding how you "should" act and instead consider how you want to act.