[:December 10th, 2021:] • Did not do the meditation today either • Did not approach a plant as assigned; however, I did connect with some plants during my day. As I went to the store to get groceries, I walked past a number potted plants on sale at Home Depot. As I passed them, I considered them and considered love. A single thing jumped out to me: this is not love. Breeding, potting, and selling these plants is not love. However, the buyer may give love: the plants on the sill of Olivia's apartment are loved, perhaps. • It seems to me not so that in approaching the plant I allow the plant to actually "be" a mentor, but rather that I put myself into a state to consider love, and that what I "learn" from the plant is just a reflection of my own psychology back at me. This is not to delegitimize the practice at all, but rather to reinterpret it as a psychological and fundamentally inward-facing phenomena. Perhaps this is mistaken.