The term homomorphism does not, on its own, have a definition. Rather, there are various similar constructions from various areas of math, such as the notions of group homomorphisms and R-vector space homomorphisms (these actually do have definitions), which all share a certain flavor and so are all called ‘homomorphisms’.
Generally speaking, a homomorphism can be thought of as a structure-preserving map. What we mean by structure, by map, and by preserve depend on the particular kind of homomorphism we’re examining.
At the time of writing, there are essentially two ways I like to think about homomorphisms. To illustrate them let us talk in particular about vector space homomorphisms, which I define now.
Let V=(V,+V,0V,⋅V) and W=(W,+W,0W,⋅W) be vector spaces over, say, R. A vector space homomorphism (or linear map) φ from V to W, written φ:V→W, is a function φ:V→W satisfying
for every a,b∈V.
What should a transformation of V look like? The space V is composed of its points V, so a transformation φ ought to be a function out of V.
Category Theory can be seen as the study of homomorphisms.